"[*DrAgoN KniGht*]"

NaMe: Ryan Q.S.K
iGn: RyanQuek NiCkS: LuCiRe, Kai, QuEk n eTc..
aGE: 17
D.O.B: 12 DeCeMbEr 1988
CouNtrY: SinGaPore
HoBbiEs: FliRtin aNd BiO TaPor(nO Sg No LifE)


"[*FeLLow fRenX aNd MapLerS*]"

[SeaN Cai XinYuan]


"[*PaTh Of tHE WaRriOr*]"

December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006

"[*FrEe MarKet*]"


"[*WiSH LisT*]"

SaMsuNg E730
PhoNe wiF MmC CaRd(N80)
A steeL RinG
My New boRn LapTop
MoToRcAr LiCenCe
Not to B aLone
BoYFrieNd?? Tsk..
``ImagE frOm*._ [*mAple sTorY*]

Thursday, December 29, 2005

on tuesday... was rotting until at night den met up wif kn for dinner... den after tat watch tv chn8 the 9pm show finish le den go home... Coz next day we met up to go kbox together wif eileen... She was at ps cafe cartel waiting very impatiently bcoz we were late by 10 mins even after being rushed by her.. lolx.. sorrie wor..haha.. anyway.. ps got lots of shuai ge tat day.. wahahah.. den after tat, we had lunch.. and went to paradiz center by foot... we sang until 5pm, den walk all the way to town.. juz so tat elyn can see her dragon!! lolx... after tat, we had a budget dinner which is LJS!!! lol... den we went home after dropping by at the condom shop to look for elyn's bell.. tat was the end of the day... slept until today 3pm den wake up.. so tired.. and i didnt realise i am sick until juz now.. i was actualli having fever from ytd!! wth... but it is not realli obvious, tat's y even myself did not realise it... ZZzz.. so bored... didi todae cannot pei wo.. so i ended up rotting at home .. sianz... plx!!! for god sake.. some one pls ask me out!!!

rOttiNg AT hoMe wOR..

5:30 PM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

SIAnz... ytD wEnt Out UntiL sO damn tIRed lo... fReaK siA.. mY LEgs aRE kiLLinG mE.. WE walk From OrcHArd FAr East aLL tHe WAy TO MaRInA SquARe.... wTf siA... Its WAs Fun.. But TiRing... Den.. Now Den i Juz WOkE up.. i am having sore throat!! when i am going to kbox tmr wif ying and xue... sob!!!! muz take excess lozengexXxx... wahahahah... anyway, i've decided to forget both of the guys.. one is juz a fucking bastard.. the other i juz cant bring myself to like. haiz.. den today suppose to meet tat 17 yo guy, but i lied to him saying i am having fever.. sigh.. but i think i will reject him veri soon.. juz need to find the right time and right words to use... so i will b rotting at home today.. to eat lozenges like siao... muz recover!!! i dun care.. sob!!! tired!!! peanut!!!

YaWn yAwn...

5:25 PM

On SUnDAy MorNing I woKE uP, feELing WeiRd.. DEn GueSs Wad?!! i Had a WET dREam!!! My FirSt WeT dREam iN mY LiFe!!! oMfG!! how is it possible?!! i mean.. having it onli at the age of 17.. its ridiculous.. and somemore people who wanks will have lesser possibility of getting wet dreams.. den i wank everyday also got wet dreams.. wtf sia.. the wet dream was me having sex wif this other guy.. but then, the guy was like a fucking faggot.. and i did not kiss the person.. meaning i am onli fucking for the sake of sex... weird lo... extremely disgusted... lolx...

Wet Wet!!!

5:15 PM

Saturday, December 24, 2005

SigH.. sOme Of u wOuLd hAF kNoW abT beIng TraPped btwN tWo Guys.. dUnnO who To ChOoSE... i wAnTEd tO tuRn tHe 17 yo oNe doWN buT dEn i dUn WAn cOz i waN hiM tO b mY sPare oNe... i FeEL mOre fOr tHE 22 yo guY.. But Den.. siGH.. LiKE Wad yiNg sAid, Age gaP aNd tO My fRenz, He sEem tO b tOyiNg WiF Me.. sO i ReaLLi dUnNo.. i Told MysElf nOt TO cOntAct hiM, UnLEsS hE caLLs Or MsG mE.. BuT fOr THe PasT TWo dAys, WE diD nOt COntACt AT aLL.. dEn i aSsuMed Tat He HAs ForGotTen mE aND n SeriOus In WAntIng To KnOw ME.. But Den wHEn I waS abLe tO giVE up, tO My sURprIsE, He caLLeD mE tOdAE.. Juz To wiSH Me MerRy XmaS... i'M LiKe sO TOuChEd bY hiM.. LoLx.. i MeaN HE MAke THe eFfoRt tO wiSh Me.. Den HE wAS aNgrY tAT i DIdNt COnTAcT him.. haha... sO we wEre Tinking Of THe SAme tHing.. SO Juz WAiTIng TO sEe How ThiNgs GO bTWn Us Lo.. hehe..


11:38 PM

Hihi.. TeStiNg tEstiNG 1, 2, 3... ANyway.. let's get started.. todae, i went out to town to shop wif jia jia.. bobo le both of us.. WE suPpoSe to Mit aT 12.. tAt bObo hOr, 1 pM dEn REacHed wOr.. dEN AFtER TAt wE hAD LuNch.. DEn StaRted LooKing For Her GifTs.. wE sTarted Our JourNEy fRom Ps, Den TO OrChaRd TO sOmERsEt... OmG.. And AFTEr 6 HrS HAd PaSsed, sHe HavE Not GotTen HEr GifT yEt!!! dEn i ReaLLi caNnot TAhAn Liao.. sHe sTiLl saE wAnnA gO BacK tO Ps!! OmfG lo.. i WiLL diE.. 6 hrs oF sTAndIng Of wALking aRE killinG mY leGs... THks gOd, She found sOmeTHing In a NiKe shOp On THE WAy tO PS.. i WAs sUddEnly liKe tHe saLes peRSon There.. cOz i wAN Her tO bUy And sO TAt WE CAn LeaVe, sO i Haf tO kEep PerSuaDinG hER LikE sOmeOne DyiNg TO gEt COmmiSSioN.. LoLX!! siaNz.. She BOuGht a JacKet tAT cOSt $80+.. i Saw gOt THiS AdiDaS jaCket, GoLd SeriEs dE.. VerI nIce.. BUt Den, GuEss WAd?! iTS $299.00/-! FUcK riTE?!!! HAha.. Its jUz a DreAM TO mE..

BloG UndER MainTeNancE..

11:27 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Muz learn to move on and stuff.. sigh... get over it liao anyway... juz tat i'm abit lost, and did not know wad to next... there are no longer things to look forward to anymore... like it totally scatter my wishes and dreams.. My wish of him celebrating bday wif me.. xmas.. valentine... his bday... Den things i wish to do wif him... movies.. dinner.. couple ring... haiz.. practically every part of my life is him, and now everything abt me is scattered and i dunno wad to do next... i have to rebuild myself once again... to make myself a even more heartless person... i notice tat, i been getting stronger in the sense, i dun cry over a breakup for more than a day now.. my heart is getting used to pain and slowly it will grow numb and swore nv to love and open up myself ever again.. When i learn to b heartless to the core.. tats when i starts to play... k.. my new beginning has juz started... haha...

New Begining

1:23 PM

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